Friday, 2 August 2013

I Can’t Find A Job: 5 Best Steps To Take

“I have gone everywhere but I can’t find a job”. Is this what you have been telling your friends or wife or husband or children? You might have lost your job and you have been trying to get another but all to no avail. The reason is that you are not doing the right things that can get you job if not better job FAST. I had been in your shoe before when I lost my job but within two weeks I got another one with better salary. These are what I did to achieve this.

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Check Your Skill: The primary thing I did was that I listed all the skill I knew I could perform very well in. This made me to know those companies I would be targeting not just any jobs that show face. Also it made me to know how I would be interviewed, what possible things I could be interviewed on.

Resume Re – preparation: After I had made proper and perfect listing of my real skill, I then went to my CV and re – arranged the whole content. All old and obsolete information was removed while new skills that I got was added as well as given the resume good branding. That is, better presentation.

Lots of Contact: After I had made proper and perfect resume, I then started telling people about my need of job and those skill I had. Also, I submitted my CV to online job sites, LinkedIn, Facebook and twitter.

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Think Less About High Salary: I focused more on getting the job than the size of the salary; provided it was within my skill I have listed. This made me to get the job at first stance.

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Always Ready For Interview: I always think of possible questions I could come across in my interview and possible answer to give out. What can disqualify me from the interview? All these and other things were done. Just to prepare for any interview that might come up.