Doing lot of exercises has been
known to be the best way to lose lower belly fat or what most people known as
stomach fat. Lots of people want to have very flat stomach in order to remain
slim but they don’t know the best way to do it. As belly fat is widely known to one of the causes of cancer, heart disease and diabetes. There are lots of people
who had starved themselves in the name of trying to burn belly fat without
knowing that this also contributing to weight gaining. Losing stomach fat is
easier than all these. That is steps like self starvation or using expensive drugs
are not needed, what is mostly needed is constant simple exercises. The question
is now which of the exercises are the best for losing of lower belly fat? The
best exercises that can quickly help in getting rid of stomach fat is any blend
of lower abs and calorie - burning exercises. The following are the fastest belly fat
burning exercise.
Read more Fat Loss Workouts: How To Lose Stomach Fat
Read more Fat Loss Workouts: How To Lose Stomach Fat
Walking, Running, Biking, Jumping Rope: These types of exercises are very good for
stomach fat. These workouts help in elevating heart rate as well as making you
to sweat. To get the best result out of them, make sure you spend between 45 –
60 minutes per day doing it and try to do it at least 3 times a week.
Hanging Legs
This is another exercise that can quickly burn your belly fat. To do this, look
for football net bar or two vertical poles with overhead bar, hang on the
overhead bar part of the poles with your legs hangs straight down, raise your
legs until it is in angle 90 degree with your waist, stay at this position for
at least 60 seconds, slowly lower your legs till it is hanged straight down,
repeat the raise up again for 10 to 15 times
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Flutter Kicks
You can still use this type of workout to burn belly fat fast. If you have intention
to use this, lie flat on your back with your hand beside you, raise your leg up
till it is perpendicular to the floor, lower the right leg until it is about 45
degree to the floor while the left leg still at 90 degree to the floor, raise
the right leg back to 90 degree and lower the left to 45 degree to the floor,
repeat this for at least 15 times.
Reverse Decline
Your belly fat can also be reduced with reverse declined workout. You can do
this by lying flat on your back, raise your head and shoulder off the floor
with your hands beneath your head, raise your legs at 90 degree to the floor,
bent your knees and move them toward your chest, stay like this for 60 seconds
and return your leg and head back to floor simultaneously. Repeat this for 15
Here are Fat Loss Workouts: How To Lose Stomach Fat
Here are Fat Loss Workouts: How To Lose Stomach Fat